2022-2023 Annual Report
The continuation of current programs, creation of newprograms, and assurance that AHRA members’ needs aremet has only been possible with the joint efforts of thetalented AHRA staff and hundreds of amazing AHRAmember volunteers. Since we are a member-drivenorganization made up of imaging leaders from across thecountry who are experiencing staffing challenges neverseen before, it is truly remarkable that our objectives havebeen met, and that we continue to grow and succeed.Because so many volunteers have devoted numerous hoursof time, energy, and hard work, we must express our sinceregratitude and appreciation for their efforts. Thank you toour Design Teams, committees, task forces, and individualswho have stepped up this past year, as AHRA would nothave been able to accomplish all of this without you!President’s MessageWelcome all! July 9-12, 2023, in Indianapolis, Indiana, theAssociation for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA)celebrated its 50th anniversary. It was humbling andexciting to honor over 20 past AHRA presidents during ourannual meeting, while still focusing on new and existingmembers with quality education sessions and networkingevents. AHRA has faced many challenges and opportunitiesthis past year and remains in a strong position to face ourfuture. As you read this report, you will see the steps AHRAhas taken to better meet the needs of imaging leaders.1 | AHRASome highlights of the year:An AHRA Strategic Planning Task Force selected a firm andguided the entire AHRA Board of Directors and AHRA staffmembers through the strategic plan creation process. A new5-year strategic plan with a 10-year focus was developed,using the 2022 AHRA Members Survey to provide criticalinput. Keeping the AHRA member needs top of mind hashelped us determine who we are and who we need tobecome while rolling out this new strategic plan. Brenda DeBastiani, CRA, FAHRA2022-2023 President, AHRAInnovate & AdaptGrow MembershipBuild Strategic AlliancesKeep pace withtherapidly changingenvironment.Produceproducts &services to meetmemberneeds.Be responsiveand anticipatemembers needs. Increasemembership yearover year andachieve higherretention. Expand offeringsvia collaboration. Align with neworganizations andincreasesponsorships.
2 | AHRANancy Green, FASAE, CAE, interim CEO, has been a greataddition to the AHRA Team. She has brought a wealth ofknowledge and experience from the association world.Nancy has been a breath of fresh air, challenging us to thinkbigger and beyond our comfort zone. 2023 brought onmany new changes for the AHRA and we thank Nancy forher support and guidance. While identifying our future goals and considering the rightsearch firm to guide us in the selection of a new executivedirector, a new organizational infrastructure idea emergedas a viable path forward. After careful consideration anddue diligence, the AHRA Board of Directors votedunanimously to engage Smithbucklin as our associationmanagement company to begin management in September2023. Smithbucklin’s extensive experience servinghealthcare organizations and their expertise, talent, scale,and sophistication were key attributes that will allow us tobetter meet the needs of our members for the future.An AHRA Task Force was then formed to work withSmithbucklin to identify and select a permanent leader. Inearly September, Jason Newmark accepted the offer tolead AHRA as its next Executive Director. After extensive input from a volunteer task force andsupport from staff, AHRA developed an online mentorshipprogram, generously sponsored by GE Healthcare. The softlaunch offered just prior to the 2023 AHRA Annual Meetinggave members and leaders a chance to test it out. We areexcited to see how the AHRA can nurture its members andreward our seasoned leaders at the same time. The Leaders of Choice Program, generously sponsored byUnited Imaging and led by Traction Business Development,is a 12-month educational program. Its first group ofstudents graduated at the 2023 Annual Meeting, while eachpresented their capstone presentations. The curriculum forthis program includes interactive discussions, monthlywebinar presentations, coaching/mentoring, and is gearedfor imaging leaders who want to advance in their careers. Two AHRA textbooks (Operations Management in Radiologyand Financial Management in Radiology) have beenrewritten, led by Jacqui Rose, and will be published soon. We are so thankful for the help and commitment from somany AHRA volunteers, who were our subject matterexperts, authors, and editors.A new Radiology Management Managing editor was hired,and an outreach to encourage new articles by the EditorialReview Board has been underway. Every committee hasbeen challenged to submit articles that are pertinent toimaging leaders.Jason NewmarkNew AHRA Executive DirectorMESSAGE CONTINUED
AHRA Board of Directors3 | AHRAPresidentBrenda DeBastiani, CRA, FAHRATampa General Hospital Spring HillPresident ElectBecky Allen, CRAUniversity of Cincinnati HealthPast PresidentKimlyn Queen-Weis, CRA, FAHRAOhioHealthFinance DirectorMario Pistilli, CRA, FAHRAChildren’s Hospital Los AngelesDirectors:Jamie Coder, CRAMayo ClinicPaul Dubiel, CRA, FAHRAUT Health AustinLaurie Hitzel, CRA, FAHRAAdventHealth Dade City | AdventHealth ZephyrhillsTraci Foster, CRAStewardBrian Fox, CRA, FAHRABarnes Jewish HospitalDonna Morris, CRAMary Washington Healthcare - Mary Washington Hospital Lori Ann Ordway, FAHRAHoly Name Medical CenterCindy Winter, CRA, FAHRAJohn Peter Smith HealthJason Scott, CRA, FAHRASiemens Healthineers
AHRA Committee Chairs4 | AHRAThe AHRA Education Foundation Board of DirectorsChairJohn Beall, FAHRAVHA-Puget Sound Health Care SystemVice-ChairTom WallHoly Name Medical CenterFinance DirectorMario Pistilli, CRA, FAHRAChildren’s Hospital Los AngelesCarrie Stiles, CRA, FAHRA2023 Annual Meeting Design Team Michelle Casler, CRA2023 CLIMB Design TeamJohn Beall, FAHRAAnnual Appeal CommitteeGina Greenwood, CRA, FAHRACorporate RelationsPeggy Pust, CRA, FAHRACurriculum Committee Karen Stewart, CRADiversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Carrie Stiles, CRA, FAHRAEditorial Review CommitteeKimlyn Queen-Weis, CRA, FAHRALeadership Development Committee Gerard WilsonMember Recognition Sara Butterworth, CRAMembership CommitteeRyan Pavlak, CRAProducts & Services Committee Sandra Phillips, CRARACCBeth Allen, CRARapid Review Committee Melody Mulaik, CRA, FAHRARegulatory Affairs CommitteeDirectorsBecky Allen, CRAUniversity of Cincinnati HealthBrenda DeBastiani, CRA, FAHRATampa General Hospital Spring HillRyan Pavlak, CRAAkron Children’s HospitalKimlyn Queen-Weis, CRA, FAHRAOhioHealth
AHRA Membership5 | AHRATOTAL MEMBERSHIP INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS GROUP MEMBERS5,167 1,752 2,774Membership statistics updated September 2023. CRA PATHWAY MEMBERS187
6 | AHRAUpdated Membership OfferingsMentoring for SuccessWith support from GE HealthCare, we're proud to launch thisunique online networking and career development tool thathelps members find, connect, and share experiences with othermembers. Your mentor or mentee can be in the same city or onthe other side of the world. In addition to making 1-to-1connections, members are added to the Mentor ProgramCommunity, a discussion forum focused on empowering eachother, professional growth, and sharing ideas/resources/topics.Annual Meeting Ambassadors This year the AHRA Membership Committee launched an opportunityfor first-time attendees & new members to get connected byintroducing volunteer “AHRA Ambassadors”. Each first-timeattendee/new member has the opportunity to be paired with anexperienced AHRA member, or ambassador. The ambassadorsprovided valuable insight and advice, ensuring the first-timeattendee/new member feels welcomed and comfortable throughoutthe annual meeting event. Each ambassador can organize meetups,share tips, attend sessions with their new member/first time attendee;all which will create opportunities to connect with peers and establishvaluable industry relationships. You can easily identify our AHRAAmbassadors by their badge ribbons. AHRA 2023 had 14 Ambassadorvolunteers, and the Membership Committee anticipates this being aregular volunteer opportunity.As of November 2023, there have been more than 40 mentorsand 20 mentees registered for the program.
7 | AHRA*Retail cost per 12 credits annually.**Retail costs for 3 webinars annually.AHRA By The NumbersWith all of the benefits and offerings included in AHRA membership, there is so much value on yourinvestment to join or renew. The table below highlights the annual Value on Investment for full AHRAmembership based on a snapshot of AHRA benefits that members can utilize throughout their membership. Radiology ManagementQuick Credits (CEUs)*AHRA Annual MeetingSpring Conference (CLIMB)Aspiring Leaders Online WorkshopWebinars**AHRA Professional Development Textbook SeriesCoding SeminarsStaff Modeling ToolCRA Exam WorkshopAccess to Leading Industry Experts$0$0$675$425$349$0$250$199$0$199$0$100$100$825$565$1,049$250$420$399$299$349N/A$100$100$120$140$700$250$170$200$299$150PricelessVALUE ON INVESTMENT OF TOP MEMBER BENEFITSMEMBER PRICERETAILPRICEMEMBERSAVINGS$2,209$2,019BENEFIT SAVINGS POTENTALVALUE ON INVESTMENT
8 | AHRACash and cash equivalentsInvestmentsAccounts receivableGrants and contributions receivable, netDue from affiliateInventoryPrepaid expensesProperty and equipment, netDepositsTotal AssetsThe AHRA Financial Report was conducted by an independent auditor, Rogers & Company PLLC, which accompaniedconsolidated statements from 2021 and 2022. The audit report found the financial statements of the AmericanHealthcare of Radiology Administrators and American Healthcare Radiology Administrators Education Foundation,Inc. were presented fairly, in all material aspects and the financial position ending in 2022 was in accordance withaccounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. FINANCIAL REPORT$1,311,059$2,550,883$110,853$7,694-$32,089$174,928$45,269$1,350$4,234,125ASSETSAccounts payable and accrued expensesDue to affiliateDeferred revenueTotal Liabilities$208,900-$991,700-$1,200,600LIABILITIESWithout donor restrictionsWith donor restrictionsTotal Net AssetsTotal Liabilities and Net Assets$2,297,275$61,250-$3,033,525$4,234,125NET ASSETS
9 | AHRAAHRA TURNS 50“There was so much growthand innovation in theimaging industry in 1973, soit makes perfect sense thatAHRA would also form thissame year, as imagingleaders around the countrywere trying to keep up withsuch rapid change.”Carrie Stiles York, MBA,FAHRA, CRA, RT(R)(CT)This year, AHRA celebrated the pinnacle of our 50thanniversary with a celebration at the Annual Meeting &Expo. Through revisiting our proud history and looking atthe challenges and successes of today through a differentlens, we celebrated the future of imaging with inspirationalkeynotes, engaging education, and meaningful networkingin Indianapolis, Indiana. It was magic! See below for photosof the event and celebration.
10 | AHRATHE AHRA 2023-2027 STRATEGIC PLANMISSION: To educate, develop, mentor, and provide resources to medical imaging professionals.VISION: AHRA is the place imaging leaders come to connect, grow and learn.Innovate & AdaptKeep pace with therapidly changingenvironment.Produce products &services to meet memberneeds.Grow Membership Build Strategic AlliancesBe responsive andanticipate membersneeds. Increase membershipyear over year andachieve higher retention. Expand offerings viacollaboration. Align with neworganizations and increasesponsorships.PILLARS:GOALS:IN PROGRESS:Use data and analyticstrends to informdecisions Redesign AHRA websitefocused on networkingand engagementStrengthen diversity,equity and inclusionresources & recognitionDevelop and implementa mentorship program Leverage new emailmarketing software toenhancecommunications withmembership Develop a program forimaging leaders tailoredto needs and goals Conduct a feasibilitystudy to define futureinitiatives Identify and engagewith potential newcompanies Leverage AnnualMeeting to buildpartnerships
11 | AHRACRAThe Certified Radiology Administrator (CRA) credential is an exam-based certificationtailored specifically to medical imaging administration, focusing on all aspects ofimaging management in a range of practice settings. The CRA credential wasestablished in 2001 and as of November 2023, the number of total CRAs is 1,312. The CRA is earned by passing a 185 question exam testing knowledge and excellencein:Human Resource Management (HR)Asset Resource Management (AM)Financial Management (FM)Operations Management (OM)Communication and Information Management (CI)ApplicantsTestedNew CRA’s793825SPRING 2023 RESULTSRADIOLOGY ADMINISTRATION CERTIFICATION COMMISSION (RACC)Eric DeBastianiPublic MemberBill AlgeeCommissionerSandra Philips, CRAChairKimberly Evans, CRAVice ChairTricia Trammell, CRASecretaryJose Rodriguez, CRACommissionerDawn McNeilCommissionerApplicantsTestedNew CRA’s1307556FALL 2023 RESULTS
12 | AHRAAHRA PUBLICATIONSRadiology Management has been the top professionaljournal for leaders in medical imaging management formore than 40 years. It is peer reviewed, has been indexedon PubMed, and is currently published six times a year.Focusing on education, the journal publishes research andbest practices on healthcare management issues specificto medical imaging.Published by AHRA, LINK is a blog providing valuableindustry and association related information. Each section isintended to get you closer to what’s happening within AHRA,as well as to provide commentary and news about medicalimaging as a whole.Connecting medical imaging to the latest IN THE industryRADIOLOGY MANAGEMENT
13 | AHRA2022-2023 MEETINGS AND EVEntS RECAPAnnual Meeting 2022July 10-13, 2022Phoenix, AZTotal Attendance: 567Exhibiting companies: 143Top rated sessions:Established Leaders: Veterans in theWorkplace, Nicole Dhanraj, 5.00Etablished Leaders: Leadership "FromNow On", Josh Block, 5.00Established Leaders: E/M for Radiology:To Bill or Not to Bill, Melody Mulaik,4.97Established Leaders: What They're NotTelling You About MRI Facilities andSafety, Robert Junk, 4.95Established Leaders: CultivatingAccountability, Steven Crawford, 4.93Climb 2023February 24-26, 2023San Diego, CATotal Attendance: 142Top Rated Sessions:Creative Reflective Leadership ImproveSelf-Awareness & Authenticity, G.Letford, 5.0Dehumanizing Safety, N. Dhanraj, 5.0EM for Radiology Don’t Miss Out, M.Mulaik, 5.0Emotional Intelligence a Guide forExtraordinary Imaging Leaders, C.Salem, 5.0Superpower to Success How to UnlockYour Leadership Potential, A. Medler,5.0Annual Meeting 2023July 9-12, 2023Indianapolis, INTotal Attendance: 552Exhibiting companies: 137Top rated sessions:E/M for Radiology: Don't Miss Out,Melody Mulaik, 5.0Washington Update - 2023, NathanBaugh, 5.0Psychological Safety: How to CreateFearless Teams, Elyce Wolfgang, 4.99Billing and Compliance for RadiologyExtenders, Melody Mulaik, 4.96Simplified MRI Implant / Device Risk-Assessment, Tobias Gilk, 4.96
14 | AHRAMEETINGS AND EVEntS RECAP CONTINUEDWEBINARSLEADERS OF CHOICELOCAL AREA MEETINGSONLINE INSTITUTEMarch 2023 - Coding & Reimbursement Seminar, 48 registeredMay 2023 - Liver MR Image Acquisition Techs Using Hepatobiliary Agent, 109 registeredJune 2023: CMS Plans To Improve Radiation Safety & Image Quality in CT, 562 registeredSeptember 2023: Countdown To 2024 - An FDA Regulatory Update of the MQSA, 764 registeredOctober 2023: ;New Concepts in MRI Contrast Safety and Management, 115 registeredLeaders of Choice 2022-2023, 13 participantsLeaders of Choice 2023-2024, 11 participantsMarch 2023: PA Area Meeting, 29 registeredJune 2023: FL Area Meeting, 34 registeredJuly 2023: PA Area Meeting, 16 registeredSeptember 2023: TX Area Meeting, 43 registeredOctober 2023, MS Area Meeting, 4 registered3,431 individuals in system2022 registrations: 14,831 product registrations Virtual CRA Workshop: 282 attendees Quick Credit CE’s Earned: 9,052 Most Popular Product: Quick Credit: Avoiding Adverse Events for MR Applicants2023 registrations year-to-date: 12,359 product registrations Virtual CRA Workshop: 167 attendees Quick Credit CE’s Earned: 8,513 Most Popular Product: Quick Credit: Effective Leadership in the 21st Century
15 | AHRAEDUCAtION FOUNDATION UPDATETom WallChair, AHRA Education FoundationThe Annual Appeal serves as the primary fundingmechanism for the general operating budget of theAHRA Education Foundation (EF). In 2022, theEducation Foundation raised $67,683 from nearly 150individuals with an average gift of nearly $286. Thegenerosity of these individuals continues to fund andenable our ability to give back to those making adifference in the field. The AHRA Education Foundation Annual MeetingScholarships were made possible through thegenerosity of our corporate and individual donors.Beekley Medical gifted the AHRA Education Foundationwhich made four scholarships to the Annual Meetingpossible ($10,000). The Annual Meeting OsbornScholarships are funded solely by the EF and wereoffered to seven members. Canon Medical contributed $50,000 to the EF for thePutting Patients First program for 2022, which awardedfive institutions with grants ranging from $10,000 to$20,000. The program resulted in 24 applications, thelargest number in record. Congratulations to the fivegrantees: Diagnostic Imaging ($10,000): 8 applicants – awardedto Raymond Johnson, JPS Health Network, ForthWorth, TXPediatric Imaging ($10,000): 7 applicants – awardedto Caryn Karff, CHOP, Philadelphia, PAOncology Imaging ($10,000): 4 applicants – awardedto Shannon Wood, Austin Radiological Association,Austin TXIntegrated Delivery Network ($20,000): 2 applicants –awarded to Jessica Sterna, MetroHealth Hospital,Cleveland, OH
16 | AHRAUPDATE CONTINUEDA special thank you goes out to our exceptionalvolunteers who give of themselves, their time, andresources. Our association would not be as strong as itis without their commitment. The support we receiveallows us to deliver pertinent and meaningfuleducational programs to our membership. Thank you allfor your continuing support to the organization and oureducational offerings. We also send out a special thank you to our corporatesponsors for their constant support and the programsthey help fund. Please see our list of corporate partnerson the following pages. We look forward to ourcontinued relationships with them. The AHRA Education Foundation (EF) is a non-profitfoundation dedicated to education in the field ofimaging management and related disciplines. Since itsinception in 1990, it has raised millions of dollars andcreated myriad programs, projects, products, andservices specifically designed to promote ongoingapplied management education for imaging leaders.The Ed Yoder Memorial Scholarship was granted to fourmembers. There was one recipient of the Broadley Scholarship whoreceived up to $2,500. This EF program provides financialassistance to AHRA members who have been acceptedinto an initial undergraduate or graduate degree programrelevant to a supervisory career in the medical imagingfield.The Blancaflor Scholarship was granted to one memberwith military affiliation for up to $1,000, to assist acurrent or former member of the military to obtain theirCRA.The Kathryn Keeler Memorial Scholarship of $425 wasgranted to four members to take the CRA test in 2023.This provides opportunities for AHRA members whomight not otherwise be able to afford the registrationfees associated with preparation and CRA exam costs. The Kathryn Keeler Memorial Scholarship is also solelyfunded by the EF.
17 | AHRATHANK YOU TO OUR CORPORATE PARTNERS2022 CORPORATE PARTNERS 2023 CORPORATE PARTNERSCHAIRMANS CIRCLE ($50,000+) CHAIRMANS CIRCLE ($50,000+)PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($25,000+)PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($25,000+)DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000+)AMBASSADOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000+)FRIEND’S CIRCLE (<$5,000)BayerBraccoCanon MedicalUnited ImagingBayerBraccoCanon MedicalGE HealthcareGuerbetSiemens HealthineersUnited ImagingNuanceAccumenBlue Earth DiagnosticsMTMIKopp DevelopmentKopp DevelopmentRevenue Cycle Coding Strategies Beekley MedicalBlue Earth DiagnosticsImalogixShimadzuWest Physics
18 | AHRABill AlgeeBecky AllenSuzieann BassJohn J. Beall IIIRonald F. BernardiNatasha BeydeTerry Lynn BucknallRussell L. CainJamie CoderLuann J. CulbrethBrenda DeBastianiPaul A. DubielRoberta M. EdgeSandra M. EdsonBrian D. FoxCarmen GeerlingsGina GreenwoodWesley D. HardenLaurie HitzelSylvia A. LesicBillie McKeeChristopher L. MitchellDonna MorrisJason NewmarkGail NielsenLori Ann Ordway Kevin M. OrdwayDavid S. PartridgeJoseph and Sandy PhillipsMario PistilliKimlyn Queen-WeisWendy RennekeJose E. RodriguezJacqui RoseHoward SchwartzJason ScottMark Steffen... AND TO OUR INDIVIDUAL DONORSLEGACY CIRCLE ($500+)Jason C. TheadoreRachel Thiesse-YountChris C. TomlinsonJory VidulichThomas WallMichelle M. WallCindy M. WinterKimberly EvansMaureen R. FirthTraci FosterJoseph M. GarginRita HollenScott LehmanBeth ParsleyEnrico PerezSheila SferrellaPeter StachowiczArt TasakaTricia Williams TrammellRose WilsonLinda Q. HrebecCarla KefalasJohn KrepshawTerry LairmoreJames D. MaceDawn McNeilTina NelsonDebra NiemeyerMichelle NoceraRyan S. PavlakRick A. PhillipsJohn W. RobertsAdam RosaKelly SamsTeresa L. SimmonsCathleen StoryMark SuckleJoyce A. TimkoCarmen UtechtMichael WadeBeth WeberJennifer WilliamsJudy WoodShuangQi ZhengDonna DaleyTimothy P. DamronMichelle DossaPaulette DuckreyRobin EastlandTyler EbleTimothy D. FarmerSusan L. FosterLaura FrossStephen R. GainesJoAnn GeissbuhlerNancy GreenScott GreenleeLaura GruberMolly HardestySusan HigginsZachary HopkinsStephanie HowellKimberly HubbardLeah HudkinsJohn J. IsingDawn M. JarrettRobin JohnsonLisa JonesSandra KellyKathleen KingJennifer KirkmanCarla M. KnisleyKelly KopitzkeAiysha LewisRosemary LippincottStefanie A. ManackStephanie ManackLesley Mercado Tammy MerisotisApril MillsLuke R. NgoErin NievesLaurie OberholtzerCORNERSTONE CIRCLE ($250+)Gregory B. AdamczakGordon Ah TyeRudy ApodacaRebecca Strom ApodacaTracey E. BanksRebecca BrownJennifer G. BryantTomio CalhounTim ClarkWanda CokerGina Collier McCormackTerry A. DowdDavid R. FoxSharon L. HarmsLEADERSHIP CIRCLE ($150+)PATRON CIRCLE ($50+)Ted W. AdamsMark AhernsJustas AsanaviciusJames BeaverLaura H. BeckerDeborah BergGene H. BernieriDan BloomBruce I. BroswickAmanda BurgDeborah ClarkStephanie A. CooperPenny M. OliviLisa A. OwensCarolyn L. PackardPaige ParketMatthew PaulsonJoseph E. PerezEric PerlaCoral PhillipsJen PloughKristen PolenzPeggy A. PustCasey ReedNoel R. RhodesBarbara RichardsonSara RiskeyAndrew RuizEdem Dela SapatiKristi SchkadeStephanie SczepankiewiczTracy SinnNathan SmithDominique SmithCharles D. StamperCarrie StilesKrissie StitchBeverly StoudtRoxanne ThomasDenise K. TomekCarmen D. UtechtDaniel ValenciaCarlos E. VasquezBarbara K. VessMark ViauLisa WallingDena WebbThomas WilliamsonElyce M. WolfgangJerry W. Woods, Jr.Ruth A. WoosleyElizabeth YoungmanElizabeth YoungmanWendy BassettRobert BennettLacey BrownCheeyl CodyKim FarinasKelly FirestineSarah FranksSharon GibbsNoel L. HairstonDanielle HenricksenJennifer KochMelody W. MulaikSamantha PowellMaritxa ReymundoChristopher SalemDebra SchultzAshley ThomasFRIEND CIRCLE (<$50)
AHRA: The Association for Medical Imaging Management2001 K. Street NW, Third Floor North, Washington, DC 20006