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2021-2022 Annual Report

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ANNUAL REPORTAHRA: THE ASSOCIATION FOR MEDICALIMAGING MANAGEMENT2 Mount Royal Avenue, Suite 201Marlborough, MA 01752978-445-7591ahra.org2021-2022

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We experienced a slight decline inmembership; however, we introduced anew membership option for individualswho want to become a CRA that hasexceeded our expectations. What welearned is that this decline in currentmembership was a common factor in manyassociations due to the number ofresignations and cuts in professionaldevelopment.The year of 2022 is focused on makinginfrastructure improvements that willinclude a new look for the Forum, a newwebsite, internal workflow improvementsand methods of better serving membersand providing products and services thatwill meet them on their career path. The Regulatory Affairs Committee continuesto represent members through continuedinvolvement with CMS regardingAppropriate Use Criteria. Read more here,or online in LINK, AHRA's blog Some highlights of the year:A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTAND CEO After holding the 2021 annual meeting in person inNashville, we hoped we were starting to see the“beginning of the end”. While things improved andreopened, AHRA continued to face many of the sameissues that our members faced in the struggle to define,recognize and adapt to the current environment. As youread this report, you will see the steps AHRA has takento modernize and improve operations while continuingto serve the needs of imaging leaders. The continuation of current programs, creation of newprograms and assuring your needs are met is definitelya result of the combined efforts of our talented andprofessional staff working in partnership with hundredsof amazing AHRA member volunteers. AHRA is avolunteer-driven organization, so it is remarkable torealize that all this has been accomplished by ourmembers from all over the country. Design Teams,committees, task forces, and individuals have devotedmuch time and energy to produce these results on yourbehalf, and we express our appreciation and gratitudefor their efforts. AHRA | 01 Kimlyn Queen-Weis,CRA, FAHRA. 2020-21AHRA PresidentDaniel Kelsey, MS, MBA,CAE Chief ExecutiveOfficer, AHRAMembers, considering volunteering! Go to the volunteer portal

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AHRA | 02 Lastly, we want to recognize and thank ourdevoted AHRA and AHRA Education FoundationBoard of Directors for their commitment to thesuccess of the organization and the time theydonated in making AHRA and the Foundation theplace to go for imaging leaders. It has been apleasure working with such a dedicated group ofindividuals over the past year.Please take some time to review this report, finda way to be engaged, and continue to makeAHRA a great organization!Thank you.The AHRA Corporate Partners continue to bestrong supporters of the organization andwilling to provide insight on various projectsand ways of better serving AHRA members.The Imaging Innovation Council completed asixth whitepaper that is available as acompendium to help members in maximizingand leveraging resources that corporatepartners can “bring to the table.”Continued...We applaud the over 1400 active memberswho have attained it. CRA is becoming a requirement in job descriptions across the country.The number of CRAs continues to grow.The credential is a statement ofprofessional competence and commitment. A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTAND CEO

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A H R A | 0 3STAFF AND GOVERNANCEAHRA Board of DirectorsPresidentKimlyn Queen-Weis, CRA, FAHRAPast-PresidentJacqui F. Rose, CRA, FAHRAPresident-ElectBrenda DeBastiani, CRA, FAHRAFinance DirectorMario Pistilli, CRA, FAHRADirectorsBecky Allen, CRA Paul Dubiel, CRA, FAHRABrian Fox, CRAGina Greenwood CRA, FAHRALaurie Hitzel, CRA, FAHRALori Ann Ordway, FAHRAEnrico Perez,CRA, FAHRAJason Scott, CRA, FAHRACindy Winter, CRA, FAHRA

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A H R A | 0 4STAFF AND GOVERNANCEThe AHRA Education Foundation Board of DirectorsChairJohn Beall, FAHRA ChairVice-ChairMarjory Vidulich, CRA Vice-ChairDirectorsJacqui Rose, CRA, FAHRA Director Kimlyn Queen-Weis, CRA, FAHRA Director Brenda DeBastiani, CRA, FAHRA Director Tom Wall, DirectorFinance DirectorMario Pistilli, CRA, FAHRA AHRA StaffChief Executive OfficerDaniel Kelsey, MS, MBA, CAEDirector of MembershipJessica HarjuGovernance & OperationsManagerDana CutterMember Services SpecialistScott DuvalCRA & Rapid ReviewCoordinatorNickie MizellDirector of IT and WebServicesRyan OcampoMarketing DirectorBeth PickettDirector of EducationMandy Dean

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MEMBERSHIPA H R A | 0 5IndividualMembers1,804Group Members2,923As of May 31, 2022:TotalMembership 4,933RetentionRate: 87%CRA Pathway Members 206Facilities2,104Of that, 341have a groupmembership

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Updated member offeringsAHRA My Way In 2021 AHRA began offering a monthly virtual meet & greet targeted to newmembers. This informal event was originally intended to be an open hour fornew members to ask questions about their membership and meet theMembership Committee. Over the past year, this event has evolved toencompass new members, existing members, committee members, andleadership. We often have an intimate group of 3-8 members, allowing formeaningful conversations and really making connections with new members.CRA Pathway Premium MembershipBased on feedback from the new and renewing member surveys, and from thenew members at the AHRA My Way, this premium level of membership wasdesigned to support members on their path to earning the CRA credential. Student Membership ResourcesWhile this member category is still evolving, our DEI committee has curated aselection of resources for students aimed at highlighting programs and offeringsfrom AHRA and the CRA.A H R A | 0 6MEMBERSHIP

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VOI on Top Member BenefitsMemberRetailYou PricePriceSaveRadiology Management$0$100$100Quick Credits (CEUs)*$0$100$100AHRA Annual Meeting$675$825$120AHRA Spring Conference$425$565$140Webinars**$0$250$250AHRA Professional DevelopmentTextbook Series$250$420$170Coding Seminars$199$399$200Staff Modeling Tool$0$299$299CRA Exam Workshop$199$349$150Aspiring Leaders Online Program$349$1,049$700Access to Leading Industry Experts$0N/APriceless Benefit Savings Potential $2,229* Approximately 12 CE per annualsubcription to Radiology Management** Non-Member cost for 10 annually Your Value on Investment (savingsless investment: $2,229 - $210) $2,019 *Please note this VOI graphic isbased on a snapshot of a selection ofAHRA benefits a new member maytake advantage of in their first year. AHRA MEMBERVALUE ON INVESTMENTA H R A | 0 7

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2021 Annual MeetingAugust 1-4, 2021Nashville, TNTotal Attendance: 625CRA Workshop: 29Executive Leadership Workshop: 24 Attendees – 4.57 ratingExhibiting Companies: 154Educational Symposia: 7 – Average score 4.26 (1 non-CE session was not rated)Focus Groups: 6Top Rated SessionsLeadership: Who Signed Me Up and How Did I Get Here? Josh Block 5.00Cheers! Reflections and Perspectives on Passionate and Effective LeadershipJason Newmark 4.94A H R A | 0 8MEETINGS 2021-2022READ (HIDDEN) EMOTIONS - The Science Behind a New Skill, Dan Seidman4.92Extraordinary Thinking Creates Extraordinary Leaders, Christopher Salem4.84Change is and has been a Constant, Enrico Perez 4.83The Many Languages of Data 2: An Exercise to Drive Change, Stefanie Manack4.80Regulatory Update 2021, Sheila Sferrella 4.79Coding and Compliance Tips & Traps: Equipping Yourself for Success, MelodyMulaik 4.79Mastering LinkedIn & Your Professional Identity, John Beall 4.78Challenges Women Face in Radiology Leadership Roles, Nicole Dhanraj 4.77Conducting Successful Research Imaging, Ralph Gentry 4.76Leading from Relationship Versus Leading From Authority, Josh Block 4.76

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Launched the new AHRA learning management system, Elevate, in November2021 as the new AHRA Online Institute. All quick credits, archived webinars, digital textbooks and post-tests, and recordedconference sessions have been moved to the new AHRA Online Institute.User Stats in the new AHRA Online Institute:Virtual CRA Exam Workshop: 273 RegistrantsAspiring Leaders Online: 64 RegistrantsAHRA Best of 2021: 7 RegistrantsQuick Credits: 6,903 Registrants; 4,129 CompletionsArchived Webinars: 465 Registrants; 130 Completions2022 AHRA CLIMB OnlineMarch 24 & 31, 2022Total Registrants (Advance): 315Online Institute On Demand Registrants: 13Session Stats: The Secret to Creating an ExtraordinaryLeader: 208 Attendees; 4.67Developing a System-Wide Capital ImagingPlan: 214 Attendees; 4.84Brilliantly Resilient: 206 Attendees; 4.94Cultivating Accountability: 190 Attendees; 4.84Reducing Risk Through EmployeeEngagement: 192 Attendees; 4.80L.E.A.D the Way to Service Recovery: 175Attendees; 4.84AHRA Online InstituteEDUCATIONA H R A | 0 9

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EDUCATION Bayer sponsored 124 Live Registrants 72 Live Attendees 25 On Demand Registrants Landauer sponsored 190 Live Registrants 116 Live Attendees 29 On Demand Registrants Philips sponsored 126 Live Registrants 77 Live Attendees 32 On Demand Registrants AHRA Sponsored 497 Live Registrants 295 Live Attendees 134 On Demand Registrants10/7/2022 – A Dose of Success: MovingBeyond Compliance10/27/2022 – Women in Physics11/3/2022 – Advancing PrecisionDiagnosis with Smart CT11/9/2022 – Now Hiring: AddressingStaffing Challenges in Imaging 67 Paid Registrants56 Live Attendees6 On Demand Paid Registrants AHRA sponsored226 Registered148 Live Attendees10 On Demand Registrants1/27/2022 – Coding and ReimbursementSeminar AHRA/Revenue Coding Cycles Sponsored4/6/2022 – AUC Implementation – WhatYou Need to Know to Ensure Success6/15/2022 – MR Safety Standards:Definition and Application Management; sponsored by KoppDevelopment6/21/2022 – Best Practices in BreastImaging Centers; sponsored by BeekleyMedical6/23/2022 – Examining New Tools to HelpEase Burdens in Imaging; sponsored byPhilipsWebinars 2021-2022134 Live Registrants78 Live Attendees49 On Demand Registrants1/20/2022 – Creating Reading RoomParadise: A Real-World Case Study RedRick sponsoredA H R A | 1 0

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Local Area Meetings andAHRA Online NetworkingEvents (ONE):11/10/2021 – Greater Dayton OhioArea MeetingPhilips sponsored159 Registered109 Live Attendees2/8/2022 – AHRA ONE: CrucialConversations for LeadersSponsored by West Physics272 Registered161 Live Attendees61 On Demand Registrants4/6/2022 – Northeast Area MeetingAvailable for 2.0 CE credits36 Registrants29 In Person AttendeesSessions recorded and made available inthe Online InstituteA H R A | 1 1November 12, 2021 – The Many Faces ofQuality: A Radiology Administrator’sSurvival Guide; Sponsored by Nuance;551 DownloadsNovember 28, 2021 – Tips to be ResilientDuring Stressful Times; Sponsored byAHRA; 359 DownloadsDecember 14, 2021 – Theranostics:Responding to its Resurgence;Sponsored by Apex; 392 DownloadsRebranded and hosted ona great new platformAHRA Podcasts

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From August 2021 through December 2021,we raised an additional $6,404 to concludethe 2021 calendar year member drive. The2022 member annual appeal was initiated inJanuary and started strong with a multitudeof leadership commitments in the first 60days of the appeal. To date, we have raised$32,111 from January 2022 through June2022. This total consists of one-time gifts andmonthly commitments from our members.The following report reflects fundraisingefforts and awards presented for the periodof January 2022 through June 2022. The Legacy Circle, which was originallyintroduced to the EF annual campaign in 2019for members who donate $500 or more sawmany donations that were above $750 each.There are currently 38 Legacy Circle memberswith donations exceeding $24,000.The EF has had a total of $70,350 to grant toits members as of June 2022. The AHRAEducation Foundation Annual MeetingScholarships were made possible throughthe generosity of Fujifilm to two recipients($3,000). Beekley Medical gifted the AHRAEducation Foundation which made threescholarships to the Annual Meeting possible($10,000). The Annual Meeting OsbornScholarships are funded solely by the EFand were offered to four membersincluding one military member. Twoindividuals received the Spring OsbornScholarship to attend Spring CLIMBmeeting. Canon Medical contributed $50,000 to theEF for the Putting Patients First program for2022, which will award five institutions withgrants ranging from $4,250 to $20,000. Theapplications will open on July 10 and closeon November 7, 2022. The Ed Yoder Memorial Scholarship wasgranted to four members. $1,396 waspresented which entitled the member toparticipate in the on-line “Aspiring Leaders”program.A Message from the AHRAEducation Foundation ChairA H R A | 1 2T he A n n u a l A p p e a ls e r v e s a s t h ep r i m a r y f u n d i n gm e c h a n i s m f o r t h eg e n e r a l o p e r a t i n gb u d g e t o f t h eA H R A E d u c a t i o nF o u n d a t i o n . John Beall, FAHRA2021-2022 EF Chair

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One member received an Education Waiver toattend the 2022 Annual Meeting. The programis open to existing AHRA members who arecurrently unemployed and actively seekingemployment in medical imaging management.The program provides complete meetingregistration, hotel accommodation, and up to$500 to support travel related expenses for oneAHRA conference to an AHRA member who iscurrently unemployed. There were two recipients of the BroadleyScholarship who received up to $2,500. This EFprogram provides financial assistance to AHRAmembers who have been accepted into aninitial undergraduate or graduate degreeprogram relevant to a supervisory career in themedical imaging field. The BlancaflorScholarship was granted to one member withmilitary affiliation for up to $1,000, to assist acurrent or former member of the military toobtain their CRA. The Kathryn Keeler Memorial Scholarship of$425 was granted to two members for theSpring 2022 CRA test. This providesopportunities for AHRA members who mightnot otherwise be able to afford the registrationfees associated with preparation and CRA examcosts. The Kathryn Keeler Memorial Scholarshipis also solely funded by the EF.A special thank you goes out to ourexceptional volunteers who give ofthemselves, their time, and resources. Ourassociation would not be as strong as it iswithout their commitment. Our successallows us to deliver pertinent and meaningfuleducational programs to our membership.Thank you all for your continuing support toOUR organization! We also send out a special thank you to ourcorporate sponsors for their constantsupport and the programs they help fund.Please see our list of corporate partners onthe following pages. We look forward to ourcontinued relationships with them. The AHRA Education Foundation (EF) is anon-profit foundation dedicated to educationin the field of imaging management andrelated disciplines. Since its inception in1990, it has raised millions of dollars andcreated myriad programs, projects, products,and services specifically designed to promoteongoing applied management education forimaging leaders.A Message from the AHRAEducation Foundation ChairA H R A | 1 3Continued...

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Defining Our FutureJune 2021- June 2022A H R A | 1 4

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ANNUAL CORPORATE PARTNERSJune 2021- June 2022A H R A | 1 5

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